Strona: Marcin Kaczmarzyk / Katedra Budownictwa Ogólnego

Marcin Kaczmarzyk

M.Sc, Eng.


Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture



tel: +48 17 865 1026   

room number: 415, building P

Home page:

Polish  Polish


Didactic classes:

  • Exercises in the field of building design
  • Exercises in the field of energy-saving buildings

Scientific activity:

  • Problems related to thermal issues in buildings

Organizational activities:

  • Tutor of the "da Vinci" Student Science Club operating at the Department of Building Engineering
  • Member of the National Scientific Organization "Polish Meteorite Society"
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of the Conference:  SUSTAINABLE  DEVELOPMENT, Architecture - Building Construction - Environmental Engineering and Protection, Innovative energy-efficient technologies,  utilization of renewable energy sources