Strona: General information / Katedra Budownictwa Ogólnego

General information

       The Department of Building Engineering is a didactic and research unit of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture at the Rzeszów University of Technology.

        In the Department of Building Engineering there are classes in fields of study:  architecture, civil engineering, environmental engineering, environmental protection - covering the following issues: building materials, building engineering, building physics, energy efficiency in architecture and town planning, energy-saving technologies, sustainable architecture and building construction, helioenergetic architecture and building construction.     


Staff of the Department of Building Engineering
from the left in the bottom row: Aleksander Starakiewicz, Joanna Krasoń, Lech Lichołai, Bernardeta Dębska, Przemysław Miąsik,
from the left in the top row: Artur Szalacha, Jerzy Szyszka, Marcin Kaczmarzyk, Michał Musiał

       Research are carried out on innovative solutions in the field of building materials and technologies applied in building engineering. In the framework of issues connected with sustainable architecture and building engineering, research of the use of renewable energy sources, in particular solar energy in architectural and construction applications are conducted.


Chambers for carrying out scientific research on passive solar heating systems;
Trombe wall, attached sunspace, thermal storage wall, direct gain system

        Department organizes Scientific Conferences - so far Conferences were held:        

SOLINA 2006   SOLINA 2008     SOLINA 2010    SOLINA 2012   SOLINA 2014   SOLINA 2016   SOLINA 2018   



Conference Participants:  SOLINA 2006 - 17  - 20  May 2006


Conference Participants  SOLINA 2008 - 28 - 31 May, 2008


Conference Participants  SOLINA 2010 - 26 - 29 May, 2010


Conference Participants  SOLINA 2012 - 30 May - 02 June, 2012


Conference Participants SOLINA 2014 - 03 - 07 June, 2014


Conference Participants SOLINA 2016 - 21 - 25 June, 2016


Conference Participants SOLINA 2018 - 19 - 23 June, 2018



Department of Building Engineering is located in the building P of  Rzeszów University of Technology


Main building of Rzeszów University of Technology


City Hall in Rzeszow
